Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 6

We woke up at 1pm because we danced too hard (yeah, that's why). Sorry, there are no pictures of that. Trust me, it's better that way. Pianos is a really cool place; downstairs there's a cheap show with about 5 bands a night in a soundproofed room, and a separate bar. Upstairs there's a smaller space with another bar, a DJ, and some more interesting acts. We saw one set with just an accordion and electric bass.

Anyway, on Wednesday we decided to check out museums to make up for our failure on Tuesday. We stopped quickly at a kebab cart, and we were on our way. It's nice to see that you don't have to parallel park:

Our first stop was the museum of fashion photography. It basically sucked and was not worth the price of admission. Second, we went to a permanent exhibition at FIT, which was free and much more interesting, but very small. Here's the thing: the photography exhibit had one gallery of cutting edge images (mostly mounted magazine clippings) and one gallery that was mostly from the 30's-50's and collected from the work of a single photographer. Though the Fashion Institute had much less material, they covered a broad range, showed an interesting progression, and provided some decent narrative.

We decided to mix it up a little and do something even more touristy than shopping: we went to the empire state building. Pictures:

Yes, it was cloudy, but not crowded. After shuffling through the labyrinth they created for the sole purpose of pushing cheap crap in your face, we needed a beer. We went to a place called Resto, which specializes in Belgian food (to me, that means beer, waffles, pommes frites, and chocolate). It was great. I got some crazy dessert: a waffle ice cream sandwich with bacon-banana ice cream and a caramel dip.


  1. ZOMG ZOMG waffles with BACON ice cream and CARAMEL FRIGGING DIP?!?!!?! Bring some home! Hell, bring the restaurant home!

    Re: the Empire State Building, Anth and I were very nonplussed as well. I heartily recommend going to the top of 30 Rock at night -- the view is about as good, but the presentation is MUCH better with multiple viewing decks and plexiglass to keep the wind off, and all sorts of interesting A/V displays -- AND an awesome interactive installation that makes tourists dance funny.

  2. I really liked the empire state. Mostly because I really like the contrast between the dense city and central park. I love that huge swath of green in a concrete city

  3. damn,'s your stomach after that concoction?
